Further examinations

Examens complémentaires

When a patient is suspected of having amyloidosis, a series of examinations need to be carried out to confirm whether any amyloid deposits are present. A positive histological test is necessary to confirm the amyloidosis diagnosis. If the histopathological test comes back negative, the possibility of having amyloidosis is not automatically disregarded; rather this means that the amyloid deposits could be distributed randomly. In this case, the doctor will request another biopsy (either in the same organ or targeting another).
If amyloidosis is confirmed, further tests are necessary to:
  • Confirm the type of amyloidosis
  • Detect damage to the brain, heart or kidneys
  • Track the illness’s development
Further Tests
What does this detect?
Electrophysiological Examinations
Arrhythmia and heart conduction complications
Heart Scan
Damage to the myocardium, corona and the valves
Neurological damage
Myocardial Scintigraphy
Heart damage and estimated location and quantity of the amyloid deposits
Amount of immunoglobulin light chains
Diagnosis and follow-up for AL Amyloidosis
Diagnosis for AL Amyloidosis
Electrophorese of serum proteins and immunofixation
Diagnosis for AL Amyloidosis
Anatomopathological examination
Diagnosis of Amyloidosis
Genetic analysis
Diagnosis of TTR Amyloidosis